So 2 years ago due to my popularity with bands (either because I'm a cute puppy or I have a radio show) and the fact that being a Jack Russell I'm completely mental (you're not meant to say that nowadays) I got 40 tracks donated and made a double CD for which the sales thereof go to the mental health awareness charity Rethink. Well a week on Monday (20th March) I'm in Central Library in St Helens making a personal appearance (I'll try and not wee on the bookshelves) for International Day Of Happiness and to sell copies of the CD and raise more money for the charity. If you're in the town come and hit me up (bring Bonios) for a copy and all proceeds will go to Rethink. The CD is the dog's bollocks...and I should know as I made's even got a track on it donated by (countdown) 2-4-6-8 Mr Tom Robinson. I can only hope they make me a slice of toast or two for brekkies as it's going to be a long day. In the meantime here's a track from the Ralph's Life CD for Rethink Mental Illness by St Helens band Stillia. It's the dog's bollocks too! Click on THIS LINK if you want to buy the CD now! Click on THIS LINK if you want FREE tickets for Ralph's International Day Of Happiness on March 20th in Central Library, St Helens from 12pm to 5pm.
One of the more well-known traits of us Jack Russells is a short span of attention...oh look my bone...and it's not normally a problem...oh look a ball...unless like me you've got cataracts at only six years...I'm hungry...old and going progressively blind. Now you'd think that as I realised I wasn't seeing stuff properly I'd slow down and take my time about stuff, however, the Jack Russell gene takes over and I spent a lot of my day bumping into stuff. That being said, due to the tremendous power of my dog nose I can still find socks and slippers with unerring accuracy and carry them off underneath the dining table so they'll chase me. So currently I've managed to knock a few minor chunks out of my head, but one of the other handy traits of being a Jack Russell is showing no fear and or a complete disregard for personal safety. So I doubt I'll ever...oh look the postman...really learn to take it easy until...oh look Mum's got a bisquit...I actually go completely blind... Never mind all that though, here's a top tune by Glasgow band the Girobabies who have a...oh look album out called Who Took Utopia? and this track is the very aptly titled Secret Animal.