'The Next Big Thing': Introducing performance poet Lynn Gerrard...
Earlier in the week fellow blogger 'The Suddenly Kate Show' posted some questions for ‘The Next Big Thing’ and offered the questions out to three writers that she followed on Twitter.....you can click on the link above to see the response by new performance poet Lynn Gerrard AKA The Grumbling Gargoyle or click on any of the links on the Gargoyle to read and hear her work.
My favourite is Generation Text - a funny and incisive comment on Social Media in relationships.....
Too right I'm feeling angry!
Too right I'm feeling bitter!
You text me that you loved me
Then Unfollowed me on Twitter!
I should've seen it coming
You wasn't that discreet
When you saw me put my post out
And didn't bother to Re-tweet!
Now you've gone and blocked me
Well isn't that a corker?
My name's just started trending
'Cos you've added 'Hash Tag Stalker'!!
I thought that I was special
You 'Liked' the way I look
According to the little hand
With a thumb up on Facebook!
It's now become my mission
To see you face to face
There's nowhere I won't search for you
Well...ok..Not My Space!!!...
( I may be mental but I do have standards ).